Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Portagrow at the 2013 Oklahoma Orchid Society’s Spring Mothers day show & Sale

Hello again from
 Portagrow!  I hope some of you got the chance to go to the Denver Orchid Society's 2013 spring show at Tagawa Gardens in Denver.  It was a great show even with the blizzard that came through Denver Friday and Saturday.  There were plenty of beautiful orchids to see and photograph, including my first to be submitted for judging that won several awards (see the picture below).  The DOS had two orchid vendors and Portagrow at the show.  The orchid vendors brought hundreds of gorgeous plants to sell and they went fast.  The two vendors were Enthropic Orchids from Denverhttp://enthropicorchids.com/, who has a great variety of orchids on display and also sells some of Portagrow's products and New Earth Orchids from Santa Fe New Mexico http://www.newearthorchids.com  they are a larger scale orchid nursery who attends many shows here in Colorado, and also sells some of Portagrow’s products.

This spring Portagrow will be on the road again traveling to Oklahoma City where we will be one of the vendors in the Oklahoma Orchid Society’s Spring Mothers day show and sale being held at the Will Rodgers Garden Exhibition Center located at
3400 NW 36th Street, Oklahoma City, OK.  We will be displaying our Pocket Greenhouse with our popular Six Tier Grow Stand with HDS, our best selling Three Tier Grow Stand with HDS, and our most affordable Two Tier Grow Stand.  All of our displays will be on sale during the show and will be at 20% off our normal price.  We will also be selling all of the beautiful orchids used in our displays which have been provided by Fantasy Orchids in Louisville Colorado. So this year you will not only be able to take our beautiful display plants home, but will also be able to take any of our display products home, at the end of the show, with out the wait or shipping costs. 

We haven't been to the show in Oklahoma before so it should be a fun trip.  The show should be great, with several orchid vendors selling plants to benefit the Oklahoma Orchid Society and many wonderful exhibits.  Vendors and exhibitors will present their exotic plants from around the world and there will be an information booth to answer your questions concerning growing and blooming your orchids.  There are many types of rare and unusual orchids to be seen and the Will Rodgers Garden Exhibition Center is a great place to see the displays.  

The dates for the 2013 OOS spring show are:

Saturday May 11th, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Sunday May 12th, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Come by and see us at the show!

My first award winner!
Pictures taken with my iphone so they're not the best

Portagrow display at Tagawa Gardens Denver

Portagrow display at Tagawa Gardens Denver